So have you figured out you’re on the ride of a lifetime yet? Many tributaries come to one river that winds up at a vast ocean of love that has a Yahoo attached to the big splash. Monday was the Square between the Sun and Jupiter creating the helium sparks to make high octane magic. Tuesday those sparks with the Aries Moon and Jupiters sextile and a lunar square with Pluto put some needed heat to forge the elements our collective consciousness is building. We are receiving knowledge that is adding to our wisdom to discern nonsense from value. Today Mars’s resonance with Uranus at an exact opposition is putting our awareness through the looking glass to obtain more tools for our individual and collective mastery. If you didn’t know your role in this universe this is the week for it to be revealed. Thursday with a trine to Mercury with Neptune those dreams that are just a little vague will be very obvious if they are not already. Your creativity will be ignited and of course, this is a part of expressing your magic so carve out time for it. We are being healed and we are healers and with these lunar aspects, tomorrow with Jupiter, Pluto, and trines with Venus and Uranus be sure to shine your romantic heart and truth into the cosmos. Friday, 12:54 AM PST early morning the Taurus full beaver moon transforms into a blood moon at the peak of the partial Lunar eclipse. After this moment of a global realignment of soul capital, the moon goes void of course into Gemini just in time to kiss the North Node christening our new voice. That voice is energized by the collection of a universal emotional dialect we’ve been adding to our new lexicon throughout this entire nodal year. Believe me, this weekend will be a smile time of self-actualization, reflection, and positive emotional magic making. Stay leveled, balanced, and clear of the dualistic nonsense from a faded paradigm that has lost its presence.
David Hauser