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  • Writer's pictureDavid Hauser

Weekly Astro Sept 27th thru Oct 3rd

The maze was either ruthless or a chinch depending on if you could comprehend the source of whatever holds you back. Certainly, last week's end of the Virgo story wanted us to see the high-minded side of a new order. Once settled the resistance turned into effortlessness and the grueling nature of our ancient history found its cog the Mayan long count. Effortlessness is the barometer to understand the climate we’ve arrived in now that the Sun has its foot in Libra. Observing the tension in a detached Aquarian manner will liberate you and those within your sphere as we balance our truth. This view, as the Dali Lama explains, has no duality in it but only compassion that has shed all manner of attachments.

As I mentioned this Mercury Retrograde is not like others and our collective consciousness is grasping it firmly. The Sun, and Mars, are heading towards an exact conjunct in a supra-conscious stellium on October, 9th. Mercury is the “reset” trigger for this moment in our clarity of a formable truth buried within our DNA. We will speak differently, we will not tolerate shallow partnerships and conflict will disappear from our reactive lexicon. We have subliminally been replacing the verbiage with a new one and codifying it subconsciously all Astro year. Stay Noble and nobility will show up for you because if you flinch and digress, the hits you take in self-actualization will relive what you failed to learn until you do.

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